Monday, May 19, 2014

Rumah Paris Yogyakarta

Hi, lovely hearts! How's your weekend ? hope it was great!
After arriving at Yogyakarta-Indonesia early morning, we all picked up by driver of Karita Muslim Square. Our arrival to attended grand opening of Karita Muslim Square. we were all ushered into the house that is called Rumah Paris for the breakfast... 

 when we got there "WOOWW" I was soo excited about this house, like a barbie house ... This house is like a hotel accommodation, there are 3 rooms for rent with different concepts in each room...
I'd forgotten was any concept there, which I only remember that there was a traveller concept and shabby concept room. 

for who want to know the address : 
Jl. Parangtritis km.8.5 Tembi, Sewon, Bantul Yogyakarta
or follow Instagram @rumahparis


  1. Iya konsep rumahnya cantik sangad

  2. Konsep rumah sangat menarik dan menginspirasiku, terima kasih telah berbagi. salam

  3. ini sekali sew berapaan mbak? bagus nih buat klo pas traveller ke jogja
